Friday, February 11, 2011

worst past couple days :'(

Well we got told yesterday my hubby will be deploying in a few days :-( I just got comfy thinking ok he is not going to deploy we can kinda relax and start making plans for my birthday and our daughters birthday when he comes home from work on lunch and tells me he has to start packing he is deploying in a few days....My heart dropped all i could do was look at our son (i was holding him) and start crying. I didnt want him to see my cry but I could not help it. All kinds of feelings were running over me and the only thing I could do was cry. How does someone prepare to say goodbye to there husband/best friend in such short notice. I know people have gone through it but I guess I just didnt think we would. How do you explain to you 21month old that her daddy is leaving in a couple days and not going to come home for a long long time. You cant! You cant get her to understand she needs to love on him as much as possible in the next few days cause you wont get daddys hugs or kisses or loves for a yr. there is no way she would understand it. And what do I tell her when she is running around our hows looking for him and crying for him? I dont know....This is going to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my whole life. I just knowI have to get through it and I have to stay strong for our kids. Life has to go on life normal and days will past and turn into weeks and months and then he will be home. We will be able to hold and hug and kiss him and I will be the happiest person in the world but tell then It is not goodbye it is see you later....I love you Martin Walker Sr you are my best friend and the love of my life.

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