Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2

Well today is better I guess.....Got woke up at 2am for a wonderful skype call from hubby!! YAY me lol Then went back to sleep and woke up in a pretty good mood. Seems like today is harder for skylar then yesterday. She cryed last night for him and this morning first thing came in our room looking for him...she even looked in the closet thinking he was hiding from her :-( It is really sad to see her like that....and I know jr doesnt know he is gone but that still sucks to lol Oh and it is MURPHYS LAW that everything has to go wrong right after hubby deploys lol FIGURES my carbon monoxide alarms started going off like crazy so housing had to send people out to figure what the heck is going on....figures hubby wouldnt be home oh and the closet light went out..WHAT IN THE WORLD lol just my luck :-)

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