Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 19

Ok soooo sorry I havent been writing I had some problems with my Internet not working on certain website :-( but go it fixed so now Im back at it lol. This past 9 days have been very eventful. Just this past week has been such a good week you have no idea! 1st things 1st I went and got my drivers license woop woop..yeppers I was super excited!! lol Then I was named volunteer of the year for my husbands unit!! YAY me lol and then I asked to be our frg leader and the chain of command voted me in!! I am so excited this week could not have been any better ....well my hubby coming home would have blown it outta the park BUT thats not going to happen so this is the best it could get lol. Also my hubbys leave changed....he is not able to come home for our anniversary but will be some for our daughters birthday so its soooooo soon lol only like 2 more months tell I get to see the love of my lifes face and give him the biggest hug/kiss in the WHOLE INTIRE WORLD! Oh how I miss that man lol There has been some downs this week one of which was when I was unable to talk to my husband for 4 whole days omg the worst 4 days ever...the internet where he was started acting a fool so he was unable to talk to us :-( but its all good cause it has been doing good so far!! I also am having a really hard time with my daughter she is acting crazy and not listening to anything I say it is really starting to drive me nuts, but other then that a all around great night. I am really thinking with everything I am going to have going on this yr might just FLY by oh please lord let it fly by lol (fingers crossed)

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