Martin Walker Jr was born Jan 7th 2011 at 8:23am. He was born weighing 7lbs and 5oz measuring 20 1/2in. He was born early at 37weeks because the doctors felt it would be better if he was out of me and I was no longer preg. So they started inducing me on Jan 6th around 5:00pm. It went slow at first and then picked right up going from 4cm to pushing him out in about a hr lol. We had to stay in the hospital 2 days but finally was able to go home. On our 2 day check up the doc tested him for jaundice and his level was 20.1 so they decided to admit him into the hospital for phototherapy after 2 sessions they tested him again and his level was 13.9 they then turned the lights off to see if his level would stay thank god they did and we were able to take him home later that afternoon. We had to follow up the next day at the peds clinic they tested him again and his levels were back up to 17.5 :-(
The doc though it would be ok if he stayed out of the hospital as long as we came back the next day to have it tested we went back and his levels were 17.1 so they did not go down much but they went down so thats a plus!! The doc thinks it might not be reg jaundice but breast feeding jaundice. So he might have it as long as 2 months but the peak is two/three weeks. So at his 2 week apt we are going to have it checked again and fingers crossed it is back down to where it needs to be!! He is still yellow but I am staying positive that it will go away fast seeing as he is such a great eater and has been going potty almost every feeding (2hrs) the doc said thats how they get rid of the billiruben which is what gives him jaundice. Anyways he is now a week and one day old and as perfect as ever...he might be yellow but hes MY YELLOW BABY lol and I love him like crazy! Sklyar is doing really good with him to I was really worried she would not be so good with him but to my surprise she is great and LOVES him! She always wants to hold him and love on him give him kisses. She even comes running when he crys and tends to start crying to lol thinking he is hurting or something. So has her ruff moments but she is really quite good with him and I think it will only get better!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Year :-(
Well today is the last day of block leave....and Im already sad. Its a new year and I have mixed feelings about that!! I will be saying hello to a son and goodbye to my love of my life my husband. I wish I could just make this year fly bye so it could be 2012 and my husband is coming home!! But that wont be happening soooooo my 2011 resolutions are as the following.....Be the best mother I can be to my two beautiful kids, be the best wife possible even with miles and miles between us, communicate better, put myself out there more and make more friends, try to stay positive through the next year and make it fly by. I know it will be extra hard seeing as this is going to be our first deployment but we are strong and love each other and will make it through....Im sure there will be highs and lows but we will come out the other end of this deployment closer and stronger as a couple and family!
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