Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 2009

Well we havent wrote anything in awhile so here I is now 6months old time flys!! She is getting so big it is crazy!! We are still in texas been here just about a year. Well here are some pics of my beautiful family!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

SHE CAME MAY 6 2009!!!!!!!!

Skylar Anne Walker was born on May 6th 2009 at 23:23 after 26 hours in labor. She weighed 8lbs 10oz and was 19 1/4in long. She was such a cute little baby girl and was worth all the pain and waiting.....I loved her as soon as she came out!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well I thouhg she was never going to come but it is starting to look like she will be here very soon!! I went to the doc on frieday cause I was having contractions and they said I am 3cm dialated and fully effaced. That is a good thing lol so I have doing what everyone says to help her come faster cause I dont want to drag it out for I cant wait to meet her already I jsut want to see her little feet and little toes and I want to make sure everything is perfect with her. I dont think I will be completely content intell she is here in my arms and I know she is ok. Well I guess I will stop going on and on so time I write I will have my beautiful baby girl Skylar Anne Walker!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

36 WEEKS!!

WOW how time flys I am 36 weeks preg now and she can come any day the docs say. I feel like im going ot explode but loving every min of it when I dont feel like my body cant take any more lol. I am startin to get really really excited for her to be here already I know she can be here any day so its starting to get scary. We put the baby car seat in the car and it made it feel so real lol i know it sounds chesse but it did a pink little carseat in the back seat and ready to have her here. I feel like I love her already and know her but I just cant see her yet. lol I cant wait for her to be here its coming soooooo soon lol

Thursday, April 2, 2009

belly about to pop

Welp people I am about to pop...and am really ready for it!! I am now just about 35 weeks and cant wait for my little girl to be here. She is growing very good and so is my belly like crazy lol.

I am very excited but also scared about the labor part of the whole thing. I am scared of something going wrong or even if nothing goes wrong and I just cant handle the pain....all kinds of things have been going through my head, people keep telling me its normal but I dont know about

Friday, January 23, 2009